

Trademarkia Who We Are And What We Do

Trademarkia. Who we are and what we do?

Agnieszka Lesiak

Agnieszka Lesiak

1 September 20233 min read

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protect your brand

Our story began in the United States and dates back to 2006. Since then, LegalForce RAPC Worldwide has gradually expanded its operations to other continents, achieving global reach.

Trademarkia or LegalForce RAPC Worldwide? LegalForce RAPC Worldwide is the name of our law firm based in Silicon Valley, California. Trademarkia is the name under which we operate in the European market.

Many years of tradition and success on the US market

We have been successfully conducting our legal activities for over 14 years. Since then, we have filed over 200,000 trademarks worldwide, gained over 120,000 satisfied customers, and served over 30,000 international companies and startups around the world. We received the prestigious Legal Rebel Award from the American Bar Association.

We have been trusted by such personalities as: Mike Tyson, Elijah Wood, Walter de Backer (Gotye), Dana Wilkey, Kandi Burrus, Billy Blanks Jr. or Dave Hester. In addition to individual customers, our customer base includes companies such as Happy Socks, Drutex, Vlone, Atlas, Kinguin, 3 Sprouts, Keto Organic and Dr. Herbalist.

What do we do?

We are a law firm specializing in intellectual property law. We offer our clients trademark registration services in over 180 countries around the world. Among others, in Poland, the European Union, Great Britain, the United States, and many others. Additionally:

  • We help in obtaining patents, industrial designs and utility models.
  • We conduct proceedings and advise in cases of intellectual property infringements and acts of unfair competition.
  • We advise and conduct contentious proceedings before offices in Poland, the European Union, Great Britain, the United States and many other countries around the world.
  • We advise on copyright, license agreements and other rights related to creativity.

By using the services of our law firm, you gain access to an international network of lawyers, which directly translates into the quality and level of assistance offered. Thanks to our staff from all over the world, our law firm can provide comprehensive assistance regardless of the territorial source of your problem.

Intellectual property law

At Trademarkia, we put intellectual property law on a pedestal. We recruit the best specialists in this field around the world. By entrusting us with your matters, you can be sure that they will be handled by people qualified in this field and, thanks to our international staff, directly related to the regulations in a given territory.


If you are interested in protecting your brand and work, please contact us via email: and visit our websites:

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How to register a trademark?

Registering a trademark is a procedure that takes place before one of the Intellectual Property Offices. Depending on the territory in which you need protection, you must contact the appropriate office and look for specific information there. In our law firm, we offer our clients comprehensive assistance in brand protection, so they do not have to worry about anything during the entire process.

How much does it cost to register a trademark?

Depending on the territory in which you want to register your mark, you must take into account different filing costs. For example, if you want to protect your brand throughout the European Union, you must take into account official costs of Є850 for an application in one class, Є50 for an application in the second class, and Є150 for an application in each subsequent class.

What is a submission class?

The classes in which we file our trademark are designations of products and services in the context of which we want to protect our brand. The classification is therefore, directly related to the subject of your business. At the stage of initial preparation of the application, it is very important to determine the appropriate products and services related to your brand.

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Globalny lider w zakresie ochrony znaków towarowych na świecie

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