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Intersection Of Inclusive Design Industrial Protection And Maria Benktzons Innovative Legacy

Intersection of Inclusive Design, Industrial Protection, and Maria Benktzon's Innovative Legacy

Lorena Neira

Lorena Neira

29 September 20234 min read

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Maria Benktzon

Design as the art of compromise

In creating a design, how we experience the world, and our daily tasks is the basis of the interaction with the object created. This can be challenging because everyone is different. People have other preferences, abilities, and characteristics. Inhabiting a world where many things do not suit everyone's individual capabilities, bespoke designed products are one solution.

To address these challenges, designers need to consider different people's diverse needs and capabilities. They need to involve the perspectives of various individuals during the design process. By understanding and valuing individual differences, designers can create products and systems that are more user-friendly, comfortable, and suited to meet each person's unique needs. This approach to designing with and for individual differences helps ensure that the things created by designers are more inclusive and beneficial to a broader range of people.

Maria Benktzon as a trendsetter of inclusive design

Legally speaking, industrial design protection extends to functional products' visual and aesthetic aspects. It safeguards items' unique appearance and ornamentation, preventing unauthorised replication and promoting creativity. Maria Benktzon's contributions seamlessly align with these principles. Her designs exhibit aesthetic brilliance and embody functional excellence, demonstrating a harmonious blend of form and utility.

Intellectual property encompasses various forms of protection for creative and innovative works, including industrial design. Maria Benktzon's work exemplifies the intersection between the scope of protection offered by industrial design within intellectual property frameworks.

Maria Benktzon is a Swedish designer and a visionary, renowned for her exceptional achievements in crafting inclusive products. Her work addresses a wide range of user needs and aligns with the standards for industrial design protection.

Demonstrating a profound grasp of user-centered design and a sharp sensitivity to accessibility considerations, she and Sven-Erik established Ergonomi Design Gruppen in 1969. This venture has since evolved into Veryday, a company that designs household products that elevate functionality and convenience. Benktzon's impact on industrial design is profound, as she has artfully blended aesthetics, functionality, and inclusivity to reshape the design landscape.

Among her most notable designs are the drip coffee pot for Scandinavian Airlines, the knork fork for people who cannot use both hands to eat, and the feeding spoon, a set of spoons and forks that are longer to teach toddlers how to eat with those.

Benktzon and her legacy

Her work has been the subject of permanent exhibitions in the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Design Museum in London; additionally, her innovative designs are showcased in numerous temporary design exhibitions. This year she is the winner of the DesignEuropa Awards 2023 in the category of Lifetime Achievement Award. The ceremony will take place in Berlin on September 5 and is organized by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

Her innovative work has garnered widespread recognition in the design community and set new standards for designing products that prioritize user experience while navigating the intricacies of industrial design protection regulations. Through her groundbreaking approach, Maria Benktzon has left an indelible mark on the industry, proving that design can be both inspiring and legally safeguarded, empowering individuals of all abilities to interact with products that enrich their lives.

In conclusion, inclusive design is valuable in intellectual property as it aligns innovation and aesthetics with social responsibility. By creating IP-protected products and services that cater to diverse needs and preferences, businesses can unlock new market opportunities while fostering a more inclusive and accessible society. Embracing inclusive design principles can positively impact both the commercial success and social relevance of IP-protected creations.

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What is inclusive design?

Inclusive design is the process of creating various types of products that are tailored to the individual needs of each recipient, while ensuring the universality of a given product in order to reach the widest possible group of recipients.

What is industrial property?

These are exclusive rights to objects of industrial property protection. Such objects are, for example, patents for inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, trade names and designations of origin or designations of origin, as well as combating unfair competition.

Where can you watch the Design Europa 2023 ceremony?

The ceremony, as mentioned in the text, will start on September 5 at 11:30. It will be broadcast on and on YouTube.

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